Wentz’s Woes, COVID-19’s Ebbs and Flows

Wentz’s Woes, COVID-19’s Ebbs and Flows

A note from Todd: We’re thrilled to welcome a group of three talented students from both Drexel and Rutgers University to our team for the Fall. We’ve asked each of them to write for our blog to help you get to know them a bit… today’s post is from Andrew Mack. *...

Crisis Communications 101

“It can take 20 years to build a reputation, and only five minutes to ruin it.” –-Warren Buffett In our last blog post we talked about the importance of branding. When you establish a brand you are establishing an emotional connection with people. Those people become...

The Importance of Creative Design

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Design is knowing which ones to keep.” –Scott Adams In the current world of websites like Canva and Fivver, why does anyone need a designer anymore? Many organizations assume that with these websites they can...

Clear Vision for 2020

“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”- Jonathan Swift It’s 2020. A new decade. Do you have 2020 vision for the year ahead? Is your plan for the year clear? For the last few years, after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I take some time in...

‘Tis the Season

“It is in giving that we receive.” –Francis of Assisi The holiday season is the season of giving. During this hectic time of year, in the midst of buying gifts and attending holiday parties, it is a great practice to also take time to give back to others. Make...

Gratitude at Work

“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.” –John F. Kennedy November is the month of giving thanks. It’s when we take time off from our work and the hustle and bustle of life to gather for good food and focus on friends,...