“Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.”
– Jonathan Swift

It’s 2020. A new decade. Do you have 2020 vision for the year ahead? Is your plan for the year clear? For the last few years, after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, I take some time in January to lay out my plans for the year. My retreat includes looking at both professional and personal goals and strategies. New Year’s goals and resolutions may come second nature for your personal lives but don’t forget to also lay out these dreams and plans for your organization as well. I can’t recommend this practice enough. Your “retreat” can be a few hours, a day, or a whole week but try to find some time to look back on the last year and get a clear vision for the coming year.

Here are four tips for your New Year retreat.

There is nothing magical about January 1.
This is a tough lesson for people to learn. We think after the busy holiday season that the world not only expects us to have our lives for the new year figured out but we should be ready to jump off the starting line on January 1 with all of our resolutions, goals and good intentions. Give yourself some grace. Make the whole month of January your planning month.

You know what they say about hindsight?
It is said that hindsight is 2020. So, in January 2020 did you take a look back at 2019? Are there any lessons that you learned in 2019 that will help you in 2020? Write them down. Acknowledge them. Burn them in a ceremonious bonfire if you’d like. Or pin them above your desk if you think they will serve as a good reminder for you. So, “they” say that hindsight is 2020 but do you know what else “they” say? “Don’t look behind you, you’re not going that way.” So, don’t dwell on the past too long but just give it a moment of reflection.

Make realistic goals and resolutions.
Do you make resolutions or goals for the year? Now that it is the end of January have you already abandoned those resolutions? Did you hit the snooze button on January 3 instead of going to the gym? Did your resolution to keep your email inbox at zero fall by the wayside already? Again, give yourself some grace. Habits take time to build. Make small mini goals for each month and build them over the first quarter of the year. Set reminders on your phone for those habits to help give you a nudge. Did you miss one day? Don’t throw in the towel, just try again tomorrow.

Look closer. Look differently.
I love this quote by Jonathan Swift. “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.” I think this is a great motto to live by for 2020. When you think about your business what can you “see” that others may not (including 2019 you)? Maybe you could even put on those rose-colored glasses for a minute and think of new seemingly impossible possibilities. Can you see what may have been overlooked in the past that might create a fresh new idea or way to grow in 2020?

There you have it. Your kickstart plan for clear vision in 2020. Go for it. You got this.

Happy New Year!