Your Event is Driven by your Vision. Its Success is Guaranteed in the Details!

Experience tells you to appreciate every detail of a successful event. Whether webinar, virtual seminar, weekend workshop, exhibit hall, or international conference, much of the health and growth of your organization rests on your ability to convey your passion every time you gather members together.

TVDA’s Event Services Division is all about your vision and the details to achieve it. Here’s what we do:


  • Event Planning
  • Registration Management
  • Exhibits Management
  • Technology and Software
  • Virtual Events

Learn more about our event management: watch a video case study about our work with the Association of Medical Media.

Event management

TVDA’s event experts help ensure that all your event details are flawless

  • Thematic Strategy – Working with you we help define a clear strategy for your event and specific, measurable outcomes to determine how well the event tactics met your strategic objectives.
  • Format and/or Site Selection – From broad experience, we work with you to identify the best format or venue to meet your needs. When required, we negotiate all venue contract terms and logistics on your behalf, all at a price your association can afford.
  • Event Logistics – Nothing can be missed from start to finish! Because we handle this, you can stay focused on the big picture comfortable in knowing we’re handling the rest.

On-Site Management – Our service shines through tough on-site details. We manage venue and vendor performance and relations, organize event agendas and flow, and apply quick solutions to any issues that may arise while on-site at your event.

Technology & Software

Expert management of software and technology creates a seamless experience. We’ll help you engage attendees, collect useful data, and create a cutting-edge, technology-transparent event.

Registration & Event Software

Mobile Event Apps

Session Tracking/ Continuing Education

Lead Retrieval


• Registration and Event Software – From planning through registration, we’ll help you choose the best technology tools for your needs. We’ll guide you through the decision-making process to choose an affordable platform that best suits your event’s needs.

• Mobile Event Apps – Yep. There’s an app for everything. Turn that thing in your back pocket into an event hub for your attendees to share ideas, capture leads, and provide valuable feedback about sessions, speakers, and more. We’ll select an app that features updated schedules, push notifications and a wide choice of interactive features.

• Session Tracking/Continuing Education – Whether you are providing CEU’s or tracking who’s attending which events, session tracking is an ROI must-have for understanding your attendees’ interests and attendance patterns. Also, you can identify hot spots in your exhibit hall and community areas. For continuing Education opportunities, we’ll do it all, including session evaluations and digitally-delivered certificates of completion documenting all earned credits.

• Lead Retrieval – Networking is an event essential – for many, THE essential. Attendee to attendee, attendee to exhibitor, sponsor to attendee, future business and connections are key to event ROI. Our job is to make networking and lead retrieval easy. Lucky for you, we can employ amazing technologies to support this essential with a lead retrieval app that can enhance your event’s networking opportunities.


Selecting the right technology and software is key to providing your attendees with a top notch experience, and gives you and your organization the data needed to plan.

Exhibits management

Your exhibit demands a profitable experience for sponsors as well as one of great value for your attendees. We’ll help ensure your trade show is memorable and profitable for exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees alike

Prospectus Design – Attract potential sponsors and exhibitors with a well-designed digital and print prospectus. With your input, our team will custom design a prospectus that will attract your sponsors and inspire them to take action.

Logistics – TVDA will assist you create a vibrant networking environment for your attendees, and with excellent floor traffic flow to delight your exhibitors. Your attendees will find it easy to navigate your exhibit floor and find your exhibitors.

• Decorator Contracting – Finding the right decorator involves researching services and negotiating costs, all to assure a streamlined experience and high-impact floor presentation for exhibitors. We take every step to ensure your decoration contractor will meet or exceed expectations.

• On-site Management – From setup to strike, we direct activities, respond to exhibitor and sponsor needs, and strive for a near-perfect experience for exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees. As principal point of contact, we make sure all the moving pieces are in sync. As issues arise, we will handle them immediately to get things back on track.

Virtual Events

Virtual event technology allows you to reach attendees on a much larger scale, eliminating the need to travel and increasing trackable engagement. From webinars to fully dedicated broadcasts to 3D animated experiences, you can now provide highly engaging content to attendees all over the world. Through us, your attendees can enjoy every benefit your event offers from the comfort of their home with our end-to-end virtual event technology solutions.

Virtual Event 1 (Photo Below)

Virtual Event 2 (Photo Below)

Virtual Event 3 (Photo Below)

Virtual Event 4 (Photo Below)

Our partners are membership- and cause-related groups. While they come from different backgrounds and industries, they all value strategic thinking, see the real benefit of leveraging data and value the flexibility offered by working with a firm that keeps an intentionally small client roster.

  Here are a few of the nonprofit and association clients we currently, or have, worked with:

Download a comprehensive list of TVDA’s core event capabilities.